Sora donated HM office building to school

AALO, Feb 25: Sora family – DSP Nyumyom Sora, PWD EE Nyumli Sora, GPC Nyumge Sora and DC office head assistant Nyumpe Sora – in a noble gesture has dedicated a well-built and well-furnished two room structure to be used as office of Nikte secondary school head master in memory of their late father Dagnyum Sora, late mother Dugbi Ete Sora and late sister Nyumme Sora.

The handing over coincided with death anniversary of their mother on Thursday.

The said building was formally handed over by Nari Koyu MLA-cum-education advisor Kento Rina with fanfare.

Sharing his nostalgic and fascinating accounts of life as a student and teacher in those days, Rina said that there was a time when they use to have benches made of bamboos and thatched classrooms. Students having better facilities now should excel in all academic parameters.

Handing over such a beautiful office building with beautiful infrastructures, like revolving chair for headmaster, visitors chairs, window and door curtains is a unique gesture and trend to solve many problems of the schools.

DDSE Duken Kato praised Sorass for their benevolent gesture and asked teachers and students to strive together to improve academic graph of the school in future.

The ZPMs Genya Ori (Ubu) and Kenli Nyorak (Aalo West) said that five room bachelor barrack gutted by fire recently is an added woes to infrastructure shortage and urged Rina to follow up the proposal sent to GoAPt. Ori pleaded for continuance of leave substitute teacher to fill vacancies created by teachers going on long maternity and medical leaves.

Former ZPM-cum-SMC member Topak Ori also highlighted shool’s various problems. (DIPRO)

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